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As the name suggests heat resistant gloves are a special type of protective gloves worn in high heat situations. In most cases professionals and technicians working in metal workshops, where welding is rampant tend to wear these protective gear to avoid common injuries. Traditionally individuals in these situations have always used such gear to keep their hands protected from any harsh heat and bruises that are very common in welding activities.

Some of the most common application of these items includes the popular TIG and MIG welding which are rated as both heavy duty and medium welding activities. While using these items the following are features that one should always look out for to ensure that they have the best possible results.

Materials Used

To ensure that the heat resistant gloves used are as effective in keeping ones hands safe as possible they should be made from the right material. The most commonly used material that comes with exceptional heat resistant qualities includes leather and some certain types of synthetic materials. Leather has been used variously as a common protective gear material due to its toughness and ability to resist any heat or cold from the environment. Other materials used in modern day in the making of these items include Kevlar which is mainly used for stitching purposes.

Since it has high heat resistive features this material is the preferred choice in stitching up these gloves as it essentially keeps of any heat from getting through the seams and thus causing injuries.

Well Designed

Apart from their ability to resist heat these items should also be easy to use in a wide range of situations. To ensure this, they should be well designed for maximum dexterity particularly in lifting objects among other common workshop chores. Other features that indicate a great design include the gloves ability to offer increased protection in some areas more than others.


Commonly most manufacturers use the popular thumb reinforcement technique which adds on more material around the thumb area for more enhanced protection from heat. This feature has increasingly been adopted by most manufacturers ensuring that one no longer has to worry about the real potential of injuries and bruises which can be rampant in regular heavy duty welding activities. When in the market for these highly practical items these are just few among other features that one should look out for in their product of choice for best results.